Thursday, November 02, 2006

Everything's Working

Yo, my blog was down and I just wanted to say thanks to all the people that told me about it, nice to know someone reads this thing. Hope you all had a happy halloween from yr perspective areas in the world---Mattie (Matthew Barney w/Bjork)

Poetry Bus Tour @ The Club Deluxe

I don't know the 1st reader, Joshuan Beckman in audience, Noelle Kocot with band, and the scene outside. Thanks to Ingrid Keir and Jennifer Barone for putting it all together and rockin' it as usual!

Wave Books Poetry Bus Tour @ The Make Out Room

"Shaving the moss off our blood"

Pics: BUS, Matthew Rohrer, Cole Heinowitz (squirming feet), dude on BUS, Lisa Fishman, and the crowd.

The writing is in the street and in the air - listen up!

"Almost as sweet as thinking about a moment of you thinking about me"

"Angles are the highest fate of form"