Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Reading - Cafe Prague @ 485 Pacific Ave. (where it meets Columbus) @ 4 pm every Sunday

Cafe Prague has been kicking for a long time thanks to Mark Schwartz. But last Sunday was a real bummer. The poets were all ready to read but the host couldn't keep quiet during the performances. Overall, the distraction made for a poor time and I know for a fact that it intimidated new readers enough that they did not read. Poetry isn't about egos, it's about grabbing tiny bits of terror and beauty as they flow through and around us and grabbing hold of them. The shadows that we ink on paper are proof of such electrical currents or muses and are, perhaps, the only way two seperate people can share such things. But such delicate substances need a safe environment in which they can be developed and then released again, back into the wild. That is what makes a poetry reading a space of clarity.

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