Sunday, March 02, 2008

This Is The End...

The purpose of this blog was to get myself to write. Secondly, it was to create an example of my writing for the editors of magazines, zines, journals, and other literary media, so that I could get paid. I began this blog almost 2 years ago, and now I have reached one of my goals: being published in magazines that have a wide readership. From my experience, beginning a blog, writing on it regularly, demanding that the writing is REAL writing, not just some bored annoying shit, going out and trying new things, experimenting with styles and genres of writing you are unfamiliar with, and consistently producing, will lead to bigger and better things. As long as you are producing, your product will find its way into other people's lives. So, in the words of SATAN: there is no hope, you will die alone beside yr ink. Wait--no, no... what I mean is this: even when you think no one is listening, somewhere, somehow, somebody is waiting to read yr piece.