Miles Davis say
Always known what I wanted
something terrible
a way to purchase back
a a man’s soul
cause when you born
that birth is result
result of that deal
to be born you must sell
your soul
so everyone in “life” dimension
just fumbles empty boxes
into weak shelves
the other realms of reality falter
beyond in their own ways
but in one are all our souls
and since I been young
I communicated with a being there
being there complicated and
so that I might get back to center
stand up taller and blow out a note
or two that’s
that’s really it
ya know
a note made of something
cause most of what we’ve all been hearin
are hollows
and that terrible being
all gold and diamonds and heavy whips
carries all our souls together
(cause they don’t weigh anything)
rummages through from time to time to
remind the soul inside belly that
being exists--
we here in life
don’t think we exist for one second
cause we don’t
like all truths this contains some
but sucker, you know you know
you ain’t all there
bargain hunter of divinity and sound
checker of element word
a cruel case box and shelf you
put a thing or two upon
stare up at thing or two, kiss up
wind through a time en
keel up
the true days cannot be remembered
cause true day exists now
a bird in a blue dress told me that
breaking down a cage
made of place and hour
we’d never met before, but
she’d known the terrible being
from birth
she’d kissed soul belly’s feet
and knelt her signature across
the line
divine… divine old creature
outsida life
that bird was a cannon aimed into
the black hole
so me and her loved like silly
pigeons in the park eatin’
that day’s breadcrumbs imagining they’ll
be there forever but
course the rain come and next
winter and without our souls we couldn’t
make two empties even one full
the gun silenced her my being
a belly of rot put the now outta her
and she found a belly full of something
else I assure you
given up her birth I dream her
newness immensity
how full her is is
the color of morning midnight
that kind of… deep sailing
rivers and clear sky
that her Jabberwoky rings those
so that now I have something to
bargain with
she’s in the terrible’s realm
and I with a horn and good shoes
can put up a blast
fuck all you other suckas…
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