dick duster \di-k 'd&s-t&r\ n : A gay man's soul patch. This tuft of hair just below the lower lip will dust the bottom shaft of any cock that happens to be insertered in the gay man's mouth. ---urban dictionary.com

Just coming back from the Walken and Dick Duster show. Walken fuckin’ ruled and played precise. Lead singer Shane was on the bass and his voice had a perfect mixture of high tone while being full, that is to say, the points were his vocals were high lighted stood well on their own and were actually musical. Guitarists Max Doyle and Sean Kohler, as I said, were on point and the new drummer Zack Farwell was in a trance, playing brutal and shit. I’ve gotta say if I hadn’t seen Shane at the FACEDOWNINSHIT show I wouldn’t have known about this one, glad I went. As usual they were cool at ease on stage thanking the crowd amidst screams. Nice to have a hometown, eh? (Check their upcoming show at El Rio on Sept. 23rd.)

Randomly, Matt Pike from High On Fire was at the show and I got to talk with him for a second when he wasn’t surrounded by the women. He said Norway was great and that the show with Venom at the Fillmore was fun. Unfortunately their drummer just went in for some surgery so they won’t be out and about again for another 6 weeks. Look for shows then.
I must say the real spectacle began when Dick Duster took the stage. The lead singer grabbed a bro and randomly talked shit to the audience until everyone was worked up to a boiling-point frenzy. The guitars wailed with feedback and the bass thudded along until the place exploded. A mic left on at stage right was soon pounced upon by some dude and then some chick. The lead singer, while goading, walked into the crowd and the whole concept of stage and floor was abolished, people were jumping everywhere and half the vocals were from the crowd - the singer crashed to the floor and was immediately jumped by the singing chick who starts pulling off his clothes, he tries to get up but is missing his shirt and half his pants, he makes it back to the stage only to have her follow, pull off the rest of his pants and give fake head to his exposed member, next he flaps it around kinda like a pin wheel you put in yr garden and chants something like “this is for all you men out there who ain’t got no dicks”, then he sorta pulls up his boxer briefs and jumps right back into the song. The music never stops. It is just one riff. It gets soft. It gets louder. It explodes. That is Dick Duster.
As the show goes on, more exposure, lead singer pushes through the crowd repeatedly falling onto the floor now littered with broken glass and soaked through with beer - people were dumping it all over the fucking place - he is soon a bloody mess (fyi I am not being British). Unfortuantely blood was soon everywhere and my shoes are ruined, my pants stained, and I had to take a shower immediately upon coming home. Alright, that’s a lie, but I really should. Just to be safe. Yeah, I’m gonna go do that. G. G. Allen lives!---

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